Wednesday 1 June 2011

Pitch For FREE Online With Talent Circle

I've been a bit slow on the uptake on this but it's a great initiative spearheaded by Lucy together with Talent Circle. Pitching, writing loglines and a synopsis is a skill in itself that almost bears no relation to writing a script. But like most things they share this in common - the more you practice the better you get. Here are the details:

Want to pitch for FREE, online?

First you need to register with Talent Circle (this is free).

To place a pitch on the bulletin, there are a few things you need to know first. First off, we've introduced some guidelines for pitches. We ask that all pitches follow this format:

1) Title

2) Genre

3) Format (ie. short, feature, web series, treatment, etc)

4) Logline (25-30 words max)

5) Short Synopsis (60-100 words maximum)

6) Writer Bio (2 short sentences max – ie. Credits? Projects? Screenwriting MA? Blog URL? Etc)

In order to pitch, you need to post to the NOTICEBOARD. Here's how you do it:

1) Log in and create a "submit a posting"

2) Select "Notice (or just about everything else)"

3) Choose your email response.

3) Fill in the details (remembering the guidelines above please!)

4) Under "classification" choose "Script Pitch" - Submit and you're done!

FYI - We ask that writers only submit two pitches a day and to check their pitches have gone up BEFORE submitting duplicate postings. If for any reason your pitch is declined in the first instance, we will give a reason why and a second opportunity to submit.


Writers pitching on the bulletin are expected to be looking to connect with other writers, producers, directors, etc and to welcome communication from colleagues. However, if YOU are offering constructive criticism to writers on their pitches, please be aware of the TONE and CONTENT of your messages! Excessive negativity/confrontational attitudes to pitches placed on the site are NOT WELCOME and will be not be tolerated by Talent Circle.


Please pass this great FREE opportunity on to all your writing friends.

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